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A Win-Win for Employers and Employees

Why Choose a Group Pension?

When it comes to retirement planning, one thing’s clear: we all want a secure future. A group pension is a fantastic way to provide that for employees, and in the Netherlands, it’s becoming a common benefit for good reason. Companies of all sizes are realizing that a group pension plan isn’t just a perk—it’s a way to retain top talent and show real commitment to their employees’ future.

The Benefits of a Group Pension in the Netherlands

A group pension isn’t just about saving for retirement; it’s about creating financial security for employees while showing appreciation for their hard work. By offering a collective pension scheme, companies create a win-win situation: employees feel valued and secure, while companies gain loyalty and stability.

The most important thing for us is that, in a relatively short space of time, we now have a solid and well-designed scheme that suits us and our team members. It was also good to be able to choose a sustainable pension provider.

Design Innovation Group
Design innovation group

Here are some of the key benefits of a group pension:

Financial Security for Employees

Think of a group pension as a safety net that grows alongside an employee’s career. By contributing to a collective pension, employees can rest easy knowing they’re actively building a secure future. It’s like having a savings plan that grows automatically, with no stress or extra effort on their part.

Employee Retention and Loyalty

When employees feel valued, they’re more likely to stay. By offering a group pension, you’re showing a commitment to their long-term well-being. This fosters loyalty and can reduce employee turnover—a major benefit for companies looking to keep talent on board for the long haul.

Tax Advantages for Employers

Did you know that offering a group pension can be financially advantageous for companies as well? Contributions made toward employee pensions are often tax-deductible, making it a cost-effective way to offer benefits while also reducing tax liabilities. In the Netherlands, these tax incentives make a group pension even more appealing to employers.

Lower Premiums Compared to Individual Plans

Group pensions generally have lower premiums than individual pension plans. This makes it a budget-friendly way for employees to secure their future without high costs. Plus, with contributions often split between employer and employee, it’s a manageable plan for both sides.

Collectief pensioen regelen

Why More Companies Are Choosing Group Pensions

You’re not alone if you’re considering a group pension plan. More and more businesses in the Netherlands are recognizing the value it adds to their organization. In fact, companies across various sectors are already providing this benefit, from small SMEs to large corporations. By joining this trend, you’re aligning with a smart business move.

Let the experts help you decide

Choosing the right pension plan can feel overwhelming, and it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers right away. At PensioenVizier, we specialize in helping companies find the best group pension solutions tailored to their specific needs. Our experts are here to simplify the process and guide you through every step. Let us handle the details so you can focus on what you do best. Good news: the first calculations and offers are free of charge. You even can make your own calculation here.

A Benefit That Gives Back

Offering a group pension isn’t just an expense—it’s an investment in your workforce. By providing a group pension, companies not only attract skilled employees but also show a commitment to their well-being, which employees often return with loyalty and dedication.

The Simplicity of Setting Up a Group Pension with PensioenVizier

Setting up a group pension in the Netherlands doesn’t have to be complicated. PensioenVizier makes the process as seamless as possible. From understanding contribution options to choosing the right investment strategies, we’ll handle the heavy lifting. You can rely on us for clear guidance, so you know you’re making the best choice for your team. All information e.g. contracts and other communication are available in English.

Ready to learn more? Let’s talk!

If you’re interested in exploring group pension options for your company, don’t hesitate to reach out. At PensioenVizier, we’re dedicated to helping companies make the best decisions for their future. Connect with us today to learn more about how a group pension could benefit your business and your team.

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Marcel Wallage

Financieel planner vanuit Sneek en Amsterdam. Voor onafhankelijk, begrijpelijk en persoonlijk advies aan ondernemers en bedrijven! Auteur “denk niet aan je pensioen”. Nu lekker leven en straks ook! Voor mij betekent dat leuk werk, lekker sporten, veel varen en mooi wonen. Alles met mate. Bovenal verzamel ik leuke mensen en mooie momenten! Spreker, maar vooral luisteraar.

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